Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains the usage information sent from the smartphone applications provided by NI Bamboo and how it is handled.
This privacy policy is a translation of the Japanese version. If there are any differences or inconsistencies between the English version and the Japanese version, the Japanese version shall take precedence.

●About ad serving

This app uses Admob as a third party advertising service, and Admob collects and uses advertising IDs. This information cannot be used to identify you personally.
For more information about Admob's privacy policy and opt-out, please refer to the following URL

AdMob policies and restrictions(
Google policy:(

●About in-house advertising

The in-house advertisement in this application is just an image link. Therefore, this does not get the advertisement ID.

●About Firebase

This app uses backend services provided by Firebase, a subsidiary of Google. These are used to provide and improve the app functionality.

■Products used
・Firebase Analytics
・Firebase Remote Config
・Firebase Cloud Storage
・Firebase Authentication(Only in apps that have a login function)

Please refer to the following URL for details.

・Terms of Service for Firebase Services(
・Privacy and Security in Firebase(
・Google Privacy Policy(

●Changes to the Privacy Policy

The contents of this Agreement are subject to change without notice to users.


NI Bamboo does not guarantee any damage caused by using this application. We are not responsible for it. Please note.

本プライバシーポリシーはNI Bambooが提供するスマートフォン向けアプリ(以下、「本アプリ」といいます。)から送信される利用情報とその取扱いについて説明するものです。(日本語と英語を併記しますが、相違がある場合は日本語の記述を優先します。)


Admob のプライバシポリシーとオプトアウトについては下記 URL をご参照ください。






・Firebase Analytics
・Firebase Remote Config
・Firebase Cloud Storage
・Firebase Authentication(ログイン機能を有するアプリのみ)


・Firebase のプライバシーとセキュリティ(




本アプリを使用した上で生じたいかなる損害につきましても、NI Bambooは一切の保証をいたしかねます。また責任も負いかねます。予めご了承ください。